What You Need To Know If Your Breathwork Sessions Have Plateaued & You Feel Stuck

feeling stuck with your breathwork sessions

A NeuroDynamic Breathwork™ session is a powerful and transformative practice that uses deep, rhythmic breathing to induce altered states of consciousness. Because breathwork is guided by your own inner intelligence, each journey will be unique and it is impossible to project or predict the progression of your sessions. However it’s typical for the initial sessions to be incredibly intense and profound, and then after several sessions, you might start to feel stuck, as if the experiences have reached a plateau. In this article, I will provide actionable steps for navigating through a plateau and explore a possible reason behind why you might be encountering one.

If You Experience a Plateau or Feel Stuck In Your Breathwork Sessions:

Be Patient

I have done breathwork for over 10 years and the experiences continue to change with time. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned over the years is the need for patience. Breathwork sessions vary widely, and they don’t adhere to a fixed pattern. I’ve had periods when the experiences have been less intense and more gentle, almost like a plateau or integration phase. During these times, it’s essential to be patient and not force anything. Your inner intelligence is always delivering to you the exact experience you need in breathwork and your session will likely become deeper and more intense again at a later time. So, let go of expectations and lean into patience.

If You Feel Stuck in a Plateau for Too Long, Push Harder

Although patience is key when the intensity of breathwork ebbs and flows, if you find yourself feeling stuck in a plateau for an extended period of time, it might be a sign that you need to push yourself harder in life. This realization marked a significant turning point in my journey! When my breathwork sessions appeared to reach a plateau, it served as a mirror, reflecting my inclination to tread through life on autopilot. During those times, I had ceased to explore new horizons, acquire fresh knowledge, and nurture personal growth. So if you are feeling like you are continually ‘coasting’ in your breathwork sessions, it may be a sign you are also ‘coasting’ too much in life and you need to shake things up and get out of your comfort zone.

Set Bigger Goals in Life

When I recognized that I was “coasting” in both my breathwork sessions and my life, it was time to set bigger goals and push myself harder. It’s as if the breathwork was holding up a mirror, revealing the areas in my life where I needed to make changes. When I challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and confront my fears of failure or looking bad, two things happened. First, I expanded my personal boundaries. Second, my breathwork sessions became more intense as the fears and insecurities associated with pushing my boundaries came to the surface for processing.

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Breathwork Sessions & Life

Breathwork and personal growth are intricately connected (here is an article on the Breathwork & Personal Growth Spiral). This journey is like a dance where one informs and influences the other. When I stagnate in my life, my breathwork reflects this stagnation, encouraging me to make changes. Likewise, when I push myself in life, my breathwork sessions deepen, helping me process the fears and barriers that hold me back.

Closing Thoughts on Feeling Stuck in Your Breathwork Sessions

NeuroDynamic breathwork is a dynamic journey of self-discovery and growth, where patience, self-reflection, and the willingness to push your own boundaries are paramount. By understanding that each breathwork session is different and recognizing the symbiotic relationship between breathwork and personal development, you can harness the power of this practice to continually expand your horizons and experience profound transformation. So, embrace the ever-changing journey of breathwork and let it guide you toward a life filled with purpose and growth!

Special Invite: Catapult Your Personal Growth, Heal, & Transform with a FREE Month of NeuroDynamic Breathwork

We offer 2-hour online breathwork sessions several times throughout the week so that people can take a deep dive into their healing and transformation with a consistent practice. If you would like to join one of our sessions, and partake in faster, deeper breathing to quiet the egoic mind and cultivate more presence and possibilities in your life, we invite you to register for free! After your first free session, you’ll receive an email with access to a whole month of free facilitated online breathwork plus other membership perks such as FREE EFT and Breathe&Reset classes.

Click here to find out more about our online breathwork process.

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