What to Do If You Experience Boredom in Circular Breathwork

circular breathwork and boredom

Occasionally, I will get a question after an online breathwork workshop by one of the participants, “When the music got softer at the end of the session, I got bored. What should I do?” In this article, I will provide you with valuable insights and practical tips on managing boredom, not just in the context of circular breathwork (which is the technique we use in Neurodynamic Breathwork Online), but in life as well. I’ll also share how you can use boredom as a catalyst for personal growth.

If You Feel Boredom in Your Circular Breathwork Session – Drop Into It

If you experience boredom during your circular breathwork session, my first recommendation is to drop into the boredom. Allow yourself to fully feel it and see what bubbles up underneath it. Sometimes it is helpful to just repeat the word to yourself – “bored, bored, bored,” with passion and see what emotions come up. There is ALWAYS something underneath boredom that is waiting to be recognized. Sometimes it is anger, other times, disappointment, other times, frustration. When you find the emotion, dive into it, make a sound, and see what happens.

It is also important that we bring our life into our breathwork sessions. If we are bored at some point in the breathwork session, there is almost certainly a pattern of boredom in our lives. Think back over the past week or two and inquire into how often you have either said or thought “I’m bored”.

Boredom Means Not Being Present

Boredom is a significant state in life because it is a signal from our psyche that we are not being present and not fully experiencing life (click here for tips on how to cultivate more presence in your life). Think about it: The fact that the trillions of cells in our body can all work together, know exactly what to do, and create this state we call “life” where we can touch, see, hear, smell, and taste is a miracle. If we come from a beginner’s mind and presence, everything is constantly shifting and changing all around us every moment and is infinitely interesting. As it is said, “You cannot step into the same stream twice”.

Cultivating Presence & Embracing Gratitude

When you find yourself grappling with moments of boredom, whether during a circular breathwork session or in your daily life, consider honing your ability to be fully present. Transform this into a daily practice by taking a few minutes, as frequently as possible, to center your attention on your breath. Make sure that you are doing continuous circular breathing, with no gaps and observe the effects it has on your state of mind.

To gauge your level of presence in life, turn your attention to the depth of gratitude you experience from moment to moment. Presence and gratitude are intricately linked; they mirror each other. The extent to which you feel genuine gratitude directly corresponds to your level of presence. A lack of gratitude translates to a lack of presence, while profound gratitude reflects absolute presence.

Working with Borderdom to Catalyze Personal Growth

Boredom, whether during circular breathwork or in our daily lives, can unexpectedly drive personal growth. It signals us to explore our inner worlds, encouraging self-reflection and uncovering hidden passions, dreams, and issues. Embracing boredom pushes us out of our comfort zones, inspiring skill development and creative pursuits. In its silence, we find inspiration and motivation, transforming boredom from a foe into a potent catalyst for personal growth.

Transform Boredom & Stagnation into Personal Growth with One Month of Free Circular Breathwork Online

We offer 2-hour online Neurodynamic breathwork sessions several times throughout the week so you can take a deep dive into your healing and transformation with a consistent breathwork practice. If you would like to join one of our sessions, and partake in faster, deeper breathing to quiet the egoic mind, release what’s holding you back, and step into your fullest potential, we invite you to register for free! After your first free breathwork session, you’ll receive an email with access to a whole month of free online breathwork plus other membership perks such as FREE Breathe&Reset sessions, and monthly EFT classes.

Click here to find out more about our online breathwork process.

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