Connecting to Source in Breathwork ā A Message From My Heart To Yours

In an online Neurodynamic breathwork session, the depth of connection you can experience when you open your heart up, can be far more powerful than connections that you can get in the āreal worldā. This is because the majority of connections we forge through face-to-face interactions are tempered with by the influence of our ego minds. These connections are skewed by a desire to be liked, a longing for acceptance, a tendency to conceal our shadows and weaknesses, an aspiration to outshine others, and a yearning for superiority.
Connecting to Source in Breathwork
During breathwork, your ego mind takes a back seat, allowing you to establish a profound connection with your Inner Guiding Intelligence, which is also referred to as Source. It is from Source that you connect to the rest of the group. When you connect from Source, notions of superiority or inferiority vanish, and a sense of unity prevails ā we become One. Thus, the hundreds of individuals from around the world, all delving into the depths of Source to uncover their personal truths, become not just fellow participants but cherished Brothers and Sisters, united in the quest for truth. Once you open yourself to connecting to the group in this way, and let the collective energy support you, you remain connected as long as you choose to be.
Unlocking Oneness and Releasing Judgment Through Breathwork
Even if you manage to discover a person with whom you can genuinely let go of your ego and form a profound connection, your ego may still persistently whisper, āSure, it worked with this one individual, but what about the other 7.5 billion people on this planet?ā However, when hundreds of individuals hailing from diverse backgrounds, religions, genders, and belief systems come together as a unified whole in breathwork, it becomes increasingly challenging for your ego to pass judgment on others. Once the evidence is there that we can connect in this way, not through in-person ego interaction but through the pure energy of love that transcends space and time, how can the ego mind effectively argue against the truth that we are all One? This is the ultimate surrender.
Connecting to Source in Breathwork May Take Time
If you did not feel the connection or sense of oneness in your breathwork session, there is nothing to worry about. It is a process sometimes. The ego mind has us in a vise grip and does not let go easily. Eventually, though, if you keep participating in our breathwork sessions, the grip will be broken and the feeling of this ultimate connection will come flooding into your being.
Integrating Your Experience of Connecting to Source in Breathwork
If you did feel a connection to Source in breathwork and the deep sense of oneness that Souce creates, embody it! Journal about your experience. How did it feel? Where did you feel it in your body? What shape did it have? What size? What texture? Every morning when you wake up, set aside 5 ā 10 minutes to start your day. Read through what you wrote in your journal and re-imagine it in as much detail as possible. Really FEEL it in your body. Play some gentle music in the background that you love. And know that you are not alone and you never have to feel alone again.
Closing Thoughts
You have never been alone, you have always been connected to Source. Your ego mind was just blocking you from feeling it. And, whenever you feel disconnected, alone, lonely, depressed, or anxious, come back and join us for a breathwork session to remind you of this truth. Today, tomorrow, and always.
Special Invite: Connect to Source & Oneness with a FREE Month of Online Breathwork
We offer 2-hour online breathwork workshops several times throughout the week so that people can take a deep dive into their inner journey with a consistent practice. If you would like to join one of our transformational sessions, and partake in faster, deeper breathing to quiet the ego mind and connect to Source, we invite you to register for free! After your first free session, you will receive an email with access to a whole month of free facilitated online breathwork.
Click here to find out more about our online breathwork process.