Losing Track of Time and Space During Connected Breathwork

connected breathwork leading to a loss of time and space

Many times in our online breathwork sessions, our participants report that they completely lost track of time and that their one-hour connected breathwork journey just flew by. This is an experience that many of us very rarely experience in our daily lives. In this article, we will explore the neurological underpinnings of this timeless experience, focusing on how connected breathwork (which is the technique we use at Neurodynamic Breathwork) can alter our brain’s functioning and ignite altered states of consciousness conducive to deep healing.

Connected Breathwork and the Default Mode Network

It is theorized that connected breathwork works in the brain by shutting down the Default Mode Network (DMN), which is similar to the way that psychedelics work . The DMN is a critical neural network associated with self-referential thought and mental timekeeping. The DMN is also linked to the ego mind, as it plays a central role in creating and maintaining our perception of reality, including the constructs of time and space. When this network is subdued, individuals tend to experience a disconnection from their ordinary sense of self and the passage of time, leading to the feeling that hours have effortlessly passed.

Connected Breathwork and the Task Positive Network

Another avenue to the timeless experience of connected breathwork is through the activation of the Task Positive Network (TPN). The TPN is a neural network that is typically associated with focused attention, goal-directed behavior, and immersive engagement in a particular task. Interestingly, the TPN and the DMN are known to be mutually exclusive – when one network is active, the other is typically suppressed. This dynamic suggests that activating the TPN can diminish the influence of the DMN, potentially creating a sense of timelessness. Engaging the TPN requires dedicating 100% of one’s focus to a specific activity or task. For instance, when individuals listen to a captivating piece of music with unwavering attention or engage in Buddhist meditation while concentrating entirely on their breath, the TPN can be activated.

The Mastery of Meditation

Meditation, in particular, provides a valuable case study in understanding the interplay between the DMN, TPN, and the experience of timelessness. Initially, most individuals find it challenging to sustain their focus on the breath for an extended period. The “chit-chat” mind often intervenes, causing distractions and requiring constant refocusing. However, with a lot of practice, meditators can train themselves to maintain their concentration for extended periods, activating the TPN and unlocking profound experiences of timelessness at will.

Closing Thoughts on Timelessness & Transformation in Connected Breathwork

The capacity to engage the Task Positive Network (TPN) and suppress the Default Mode Network (DMN) is a key feature that makes Neurodynamic Breathwork Online exceptionally potent. It grants individuals access to a profoundly meditative state that often takes years of dedicated practice to achieve through traditional meditation. This heightened state of awareness enables one to transcend the confines of the ego mind, fostering an environment in which the conventional constructs of time and space appear to melt away. These shifts, open the door to deeply healing and transformative experiences that can be profoundly life-altering.

Interested in Supporting Others in Accessing Altered States of Consciousness for Healing?

We offer a 6-month breathwork facilitator training that is not merely educational, but also a transformational journey. This is a world-leading comprehensive training that will allow you to confidently facilitate connected Breathwork Workshops both online and offline. More than that, you will go on a deep inner journey that will allow you to transcend your ego, release trauma, and step into your fullest potential. Past students tell us this program not only prepared them to lead breathwork classes, but in many cases also transformed their relationships and life quality. Find out more about the pathway to becoming a certified breathwork facilitator and the best version of yourself here.

If becoming a certified breathwork facilitator does not interest you but you would like to experience free breathwork online in a safe and supportive environment, we invite you to join us for a FREE breathwork session.

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