How the Mind Processes the Death of a Loved One

Healing from grief with breathwork sessions

Healing from Grief: Discover the Process & How Breathwork Sessions Can Help

Undoubtedly one of the most difficult and emotionally taxing experiences we may have in life is losing someone close to us and embarking on a journey of healing from grief. It can be extremely challenging to completely comprehend the truth of the loss in the moment because it frequently feels like a tidal wave of emotions is coming down on us. However, our psyche, in its own intricate and compassionate way, guides us through the complex journey of grief. Below we will explore the process of healing from grief and how breathwork sessions can help. 

Healing from Grief is About Integrating Our Loved One’s Memory

Firstly, it’s important to understand that coming to terms with the loss of a loved one doesn’t mean erasing their memory or minimizing their significance in our lives. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. The process of grieving is about finding a way to integrate their memory and the impact they had on our lives into our ongoing narrative. It’s about allowing their presence, albeit in a different form, to remain with us energetically.

The notion of them “always being with you energetically” signifies that the essence of the person you’ve lost lives on in your heart and mind. Their influence continues to shape your thoughts, actions, and values. Their wisdom, love, and the lessons they imparted became a part of your identity, helping you grow and evolve as an individual.

Grieving is not about forgetting or moving on as if the person never existed. Instead, it’s about finding a way to carry their memory forward with you, like a cherished treasure that provides comfort, guidance, and inspiration. This memory becomes a source of strength, a reminder of the love and connection you shared, and a driving force for the life you lead moving forward.

The Pathway to Healing from Grief is a Unique for Everyone

The process of grief is unique for each person, and there is no fixed timeline for it. It’s a deeply personal journey that involves acknowledging the pain and sadness while also celebrating the joy and love that the person brought into your life. It’s about striking a delicate balance between the past and the present, where you can hold their memory close to your heart while still embracing the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead.

In time, the raw intensity of grief may subside, but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgotten or abandoned the person you’ve lost. Instead, you’ve found a way to honor their memory by living a full and vibrant life. This is the ultimate tribute to them – to take the love and lessons they shared with you and use them as a foundation for a future filled with purpose, meaning, and continued growth. In this way, the process of grieving is not just about coping with loss; it’s a profound transformation of the self. It’s about learning to carry the legacy of the departed with you, allowing their memory to enrich your journey, and finding the strength to embrace life’s joys and challenges with resilience and gratitude.

How Breathwork Sessions Can Support You in Healing from Grief

Breathwork sessions put you in touch with your inner guiding intelligence which knows exactly what you need to process your grief. It is not an instant solution, but a regular practice will allow you to fully feel all the emotions you have around your loved one’s passing. This is important because fully feeling is critical for processing and healing from grief. 

Another way breathwork may help you in healing is through the access of altered states of consciousness. In this deep and open state, you can call in your loved one and ask for a message or support in your grieving process. Some people claim seeing their deceased loved ones in sessions, or hearing their voices. Others say they could just sense their presence. If none of these things happen for you, it’s important to not feel hurt or angry. Simply trust that your loved one is with you, breathe, connect to your heart where their energy lives on, and allow your inner intelligence to lead the way.

Experience the Healing Power of Breathwork for FREE

Our live, virtual Neurodynamic Breathwork Online sessions are hosted using the Zoom conferencing software and last approximately 2 hours.  We offer sessions 6–7 times per week, so this is a great modality if you want to create a regular breathwork practice. Click here to find out more about our online breathwork process.

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