Doing Breathwork, Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

showing up for our breathwork practice when you don't feel like it

How many times in our lives do we commit to doing something on a regular basis and then make some kind of excuse not to do it? Whether it’s going to the gym, practicing yoga, or even starting a new hobby, thoughts might arise such as “I’m tired today, I can do this tomorrow” or “I’m too busy.” These excuses often seem valid, but what if I told you that every time you make an excuse, you’re training your mind to not believe in your own words? In this article, we’ll explore the power of commitment and how showing up for your breathwork practice, even when you don’t feel like it, can transform your life!

Embracing Commitment: Elevating Your Breathwork Practice and Life

In the realm of personal development and self-improvement, commitment plays a pivotal role. When we commit 100% to something, we set in motion a chain of events that our brain finds ways to make happen, even when we previously thought it was impossible. It’s almost like a miracle – when we truly commit, our brain becomes a problem-solving machine, coming up with ideas and strategies to fulfill our commitment. However, the flip side of this is that when we say we’re going to do something and then don’t follow through, we are training our psyche not to trust our own words. We’re telling our brain that our commitments aren’t worth taking seriously.

The Gym, Yoga, and Beyond

Let’s take the example of going to the gym or practicing yoga regularly. These are activities that can significantly impact our physical and mental well-being. Yet, our ego mind often attempts to dissuade us from pursuing them consistently. It whispers excuses in our ears like, “I’m too tired today,” or “I’ll just do it tomorrow.” These excuses, if indulged, become habits, and these habits, in turn, hinder our personal growth. When we allow ourselves to be swayed by our ego’s excuses, we reinforce the idea that our words have no real value. This can be a significant roadblock on our journey to self-improvement.

The Power of Committing to a Regular Breathwork Practice

Now, let’s shift our focus to breathwork. Just like committing to physical activities, committing to a regular breathwork practice can be challenging. Our ego mind will try to pull the same shenanigans, offering excuses like “I’m not in the mood” or “I’m too busy.” However, these moments of resistance are actually opportunities to train your brain.

Creating New Neural Pathways Through Your Breathwork Practice

Showing up for your breathwork practice even when you don’t initially feel like it, can be a transformative experience. It’s a chance to rewire your brain and create new neural pathways. By consistently keeping your promises to yourself, you strengthen your resolve and enhance your self-discipline. Your brain begins to understand that when you say something will happen, it will, no matter how you feel or what your ego mind is telling you. This process of unwavering commitment doesn’t just apply to breathwork. It becomes a way of life, where making things happen is your natural state of affairs. This shift in mindset and behavior empowers you to take control of your life, manifest your desires, and achieve your goals, big and small.

Closing Thoughts on Showing Up For Your Breathwork Practice

Commitment is the catalyst for personal growth and transformation. Whether it’s going to the gym, practicing yoga, or breathwork, sticking to your commitments is a powerful way to retrain your brain and develop self-discipline. So, the next time you face resistance in your journey to self-improvement, remember that by saying “I will” and following through even when you don’t feel like it, will set you on the path to a more purposeful, successful, and fulfilled life.

Make a Deep Commitment to Transformation with a FREE Month of NeuroDynamic Breathwork

We offer 2-hour online breathwork sessions several times throughout the week so you can take a deep dive into your healing and transformation with a consistent breathwork practice. If you would like to join one of our sessions, and partake in faster, deeper breathing to quiet the egoic mind, release what’s holding you back, and step into your fullest potential, we invite you to register for free! After your first free breathwork session, you’ll receive an email with access to a whole month of free online breathwork plus other membership perks such as FREE Breathe&Reset sessions, and monthly EFT classes.

Click here to find out more about our online breathwork process.

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