How To Overcome Fear In Breathwork & Alchemize It Into Growth

how to overcome fear in breathwork

Breathwork is a deeply transformative practice that takes us on a journey through our inner selves, unearthing emotions and experiences we may have buried deep within. While it may not always be described as “fun,” it’s in the challenging and uncomfortable moments that we can find profound realizations and personal growth. This article explores the idea that fear, when encountered during a breathwork session, represents a tremendous opportunity for self-discovery and healing. It also outlines how to overcome fear during breathwork and alchemize it into growth.

The Nature of a Breathwork Session

Breathwork is a practice that involves conscious, connected breathing to facilitate healing, self-awareness, and transformation. It is a journey that takes us into the deepest recesses of our minds, allowing us to confront and release suppressed emotions and trauma. While the experiences that surface during a breathwork session may indeed be unsettling, emotionally charged, or even frightening, it’s crucial to understand that every experience, no matter how challenging, is a vital component of your personal growth journey and is ultimately for your highest good.

Fear is a Doorway to Growth

Fear, in the realm of breathwork, is the doorway to your growth. When you encounter fear, it is not something to be avoided or pushed aside; it’s a signal that you are on the right path. It’s an indication that your inner self is ready to release and heal the wounds that have been holding you back. It is an excellent opportunity, that should be wholeheartedly embraced! Below we’ll outline 4 steps for how to work with the fear when it arises in a session.

How to Overcome Fear in Breathwork Step #1: Know that You Are Equipped to Process Anything that Breathwork Brings Up

Any experience or emotion that arises in your breathwork session, is a result of your inner guiding intelligence (IGI) bringing it forth for you to process. Your IGI would not bring it to the surface if you weren’t ready, so lean into courage and allow the experience to play out. Although this process may not feel pleasant or “fun,” the fun experiences in life are not the ones that bring you the most profound realizations and personal growth.

How to Overcome Fear in Breathwork Step #2: Embrace It as an Opportunity

When fear surfaces during breathwork, it can be easy to recoil or avoid it, seeking comfort and reassurance. However, this is a missed opportunity for growth. Fear, in this context, is a powerful signpost pointing towards what needs attention and healing. It’s an invitation to explore the depths of your inner world and confront the experiences that may have been buried for years.

Confronting fear is not an easy task, but it’s where the real work happens. It takes courage to process through the experiences that your inner guidance brings up. Embracing fear means welcoming it with open arms, acknowledging its presence, and understanding that it is a crucial part of your journey towards healing, self-discovery, and personal growth.

How to Overcome Fear in Breathwork Step #3: Feel & Express the Fear

To make the most of this opportunity, you must fully experience and explore the fear that surfaces during breathwork. This may involve expressing it verbally, screaming, yelling, crying, or engaging in whatever physical release feels right in your body. Give yourself permission to fully feel the fear. Let the fear fill your being without judgment or suppression.

Remember, fear is not an enemy; it is a part of you. It has likely been running your life from beneath the surface, negatively affecting your decisions and behaviors. Now, during breathwork, it’s finally feeling safe to emerge for processing and release. This is a positive sign, and it’s a testament to your readiness to grow and heal!

How to Overcome Fear in Breathwork Step #4: Look for the Nugget of Gold

When you embrace fear and allow yourself to feel it wholeheartedly, there will always be a “nugget of gold” revealed. It’s like finding a hidden treasure within yourself. By confronting and processing through your fears, you gain profound insights, and you release the emotional burdens that have held you back.

Closing Thoughts

Fear, when it arises during a breathwork session, should be seen as a valuable opportunity, not a hindrance. By welcoming and fully experiencing your fear, you can unlock the door to transformative healing and self-discovery. So, the next time you embark on a breathwork session, remember that the path through fear is the path towards your true self. Embrace it with courage and find the “nugget of gold” waiting on the other side.

As we say in breathwork: the only way beyond is through!

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