
“What an incredible experience! I had done in-person breathwork before..and was not sure what to expect online. My journey was just as powerful. A deep connection with myself and release of repressed emotions. It was amazing!”

Diana B


“After doing a few sessions of Breathwork Online, I feel that I have finally gotten some insight into how and why I am sabotaging myself in having successful relationships with men. Now that I am actually aware of this previously subconscious block I feel confident that my next relationship will be very different.” – J. N., LA
“I have been wrestling with a big decision in my life for over two months going back and forth, back and forth. In the online breathwork session last night, I became totally clear which way to go. I wish I had found this two months ago, it would have saved me a lot of mental distress!!”

R. N.
Los Angeles

“Neurodynamic Breathwork™ Online Time” has become my favorite part of the day! I have been a Subscriber for three months, during which I have gently, progressively released a substantial amount of stress, anxiety, grief and physical tension that I was carrying in my body. I am becoming a happier, calmer, more grounded person thanks to Michael’s wonderful, therapeutic program! As a bonus, my dreams at night have become lucid – I can now see my dreams in color, smell/taste and feel what I touch in the dream. While I’m dreaming I’m able to direct the dream, wake myself up when I want the dream to stop and remember the dreams when I wake up. My imagination and creativity are coming back to life after these many years! IT’s a wonderful group of people from all over the world breathing together, sharing and learning from each other. I am very grateful to be part of this beautiful group. Thank you Michael”


“I started doing Breathwork Online consistently about 2 1/2 months ago and my session today was a powerful turning point. I found myself in a new place. The process of letting go has facilitated an ability on my part to embrace parts of myself that were previously hidden or suppressed. Toward the end of our session, I experienced a sense, a glimpse, a spark of wholeness deep in my soul. It was real and profound. I saw that this state or frequency is going to grow in my life as I continue to do the work of Breathwork and especially integration. There is nothing better than to be whole, complete and connected within and the work is absolutely worth it! The goddess within is being born! Keep breathing,”

Rachel Boyer

“I’ve done the online breath work about 6 times now and have really started to see a change in my daily life. I notice I have become more in tune with my emotions and really feel my emotions rather than dismissing and discounting them or letting them pass by. A new mental/emotional bridge has started to open up that not only allows for a clear insight to life, but also an improved way of discovering solutions to life’s problems, enhancing creativity and loving deeper.”

Jonathan Toomey
Los Angeles