A Guide To What A NeuroDynamic Breathwork® Session Looks Like

Description of a NeuroDynamic Breathwork® Online Session

Description of an Online Breathwork SessionOur live, virtual Neurodynamic Breathwork® Online sessions last for approximately 2 hours. They are hosted using the Zoom conferencing software. We start by giving a short introductory talk. This is followed by a 60 minute Breathwork session listening to powerful, evocative music. This deeper faster breathing while being bathed in the sound of carefully chosen music allows you to quiet the thinking mind and access your amazing inner intelligence. After the session, there will be time for some of the participants to share their Breathwork experience with the group. We offer our live Breathwork sessions 4 – 5 times per week so this is a perfect modality if you want to create a regular breathwork practice.

Preparation – If you are a first time participant, to prepare for the session, it is required to read a pdf file entitled “Preparatory Information For First Time Participants“. When the time for the session approaches, you will need to set up your space. You will be able to do the session either sitting in a comfortable chair or laying down. It is ideal to use headphones but you can also use your computer speakers if you have good quality sound and the volume can be turned up. You want the music volume to be high enough so you feel that you are being bathed in the sound but not so loud that it distorts. The better the internet connection, the better the sound quality of the music will be.

Schedule a Neurodynamic Breathwork Coaching CallA hard wired connection is ideal but a Wi-Fi system with good reception will also work. Cell phones without Wi-Fi connection will sometimes not work due to poor receptivity. Cell phones with Wi-Fi will work but sound quality without earphones or ear buds is generally unacceptable. Also, make sure you will not be disturbed during the session–turn off your phone, put a “do not disturb” sign on your door if there are other people in your house or apartment, etc.

This is an internal experience so you will need a blindfold or you can just close your eyes if you prefer. If you continue with this work, the blindfold I recommend is called a Mindfold Sleep and Relaxation Mask (can purchase on Amazon) but any blindfold will do. Also, I recommend having Kleenex tissues and a bottle of water close by and a cup nearby in case you feel like you have to spit, etc. If you are lying down, please make sure to have enough space around you so that if you move around that you will not bang into anything, especially around your head area. Although it is not necessary/required, you are also welcome to have a friend in the room in case you feel like you might want to have someone there to hold your hand, etc during the session. Lastly, it is ideal to do Breathwork when your stomach is not too full. It is suggested to not eat anything at least 60 minutes before your session if possible, or, if you do, to just eat something very light.


Important Note

Confidentiality is important in these sessions so that all participants feel safe to share their experiences and be fully self-expressed during their breathing sessions. In order to be allowed to participate in one of our workshops, you must agree to not discuss any other participant’s experience or anything that another person shares in a way in which that participant can in any way be identified and also to not audio or video tape any portion of the session.

  1. Epilepsy
  2. Detached Retina
  3. Glaucoma
  4. Prior diagnosis by a health professional of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia
  5. If you have a current diagnosis by a healthcare professional of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), we recommend you check with your healthcare professional before participating
  6. Osteoporosis that is serious enough whereby moving around actively could cause potential issues.
  7. High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication.
  8. Pregnancy
  9. Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including prior heart attack
  10. Family history of aneurysms
  11. Use of prescription blood thinning medications such as Coumadin
  12. Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis during the past 10 years.
  13. Strokes, seizures, TIAs or other brain/neurological condition or disease
  14. Any other medical or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release.