Michael Stone

Michael StoneMichael Stone, BS Chem Eng, MBA, inventor of a new type of breathwork modality called Neurodynamic Breathwork, co-founder of the  “Train Your Brain Master Course” and Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator was born and currently resides in Los Angeles, California.  He is a well-known international speaker who has participated in numerous conferences and summits, along with Dr. Gabor Mate, Joe Dispenza, Tony Robbins, Caroline Myss, Thomas Hubl, Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Peter Levine, Jodk Kornfield, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ken Wilbur, Dan Siegel and others.  And NeuroDynamic Breathwork has been featured in the London Times, Elephant Journal, Luxx Magazine, CBS and NBC.

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 After spending the first 35 years of his life following a path that had been imprinted on him through cultural and family conditioning, he finally stepped into his own creative potential and quit his upper management job in a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company to become an entrepreneur, creating several successful multi-million dollar “brick and mortar” businesses.

In 2005, he found breathwork, a modality where, through breath and music, participants can quiet their ego mind and access the deeper parts of their psyche that already has all of the answers that they need which I call their inner guiding intelligence.

Because of his research into neuroscience, he understood that to get the maximum benefit from this work (so participants can start getting easier access to this inner intelligence in their everyday lives) it is ideal for breathwork to be done on a regular basis to strengthen that neural pathway.

In 2016, during one of his own breathwork sessions, he received a download that it was his mission in life to bring breathwork to the world in a way that was accessible and inexpensive so that as many people as possible could receive the benefits of this amazing modality so he decided to focus on researching and developing a new type of breathwork experience that can be done effectively in a more convenient, less expensive format online. It took over a year to research the technology available and optimize the format but now he is conducting online  sessions 4 – 5 times every week with this cutting-edge new type of breathwork which he created that he calls Neurodynamic Breathwork©. He has now worked with tens of thousands of breathers online who live in over 120 different countries.

In an approximately two hour powerful live Neurodynamic Breathwork Online (or just “Breathwork Online” for short) Workshop which includes a 60 minute breathing session to a carefully designed powerful music set,  you can experience an expanded state of awareness where your mind chatter subsides.  This makes it possible for you to access the inner healing power as well as inner guidance which resides inside of you. We are all born with this magnificent intelligence which regulates our body and brain and sustains our lives. However, our crowded, conditioned mind automatically connects with the same old thinking patterns and traps ourselves into repetitive emotional dramas. When that happens we have no idea how to access this inner intelligence. As a matter of fact, many of us are not even aware that we have this unfathomable intelligence within ourselves.

Participants can now access these two hour Neurodynamic Breathwork Online workshops up to 5 times per week from the comfort of their own home and are getting amazing results.

After developing Neurodynamic Breathwork, Michael turned his attention to working with the principles that make breathwork so powerful and, using his science background, co-created a workshop with Saemi Nakamura called the Train Your Brain Master Course that allows participants to become conscious creators of their own life.  He launched this workshop with Saemi Nakamura in 2023.

Michael Stone Quote

My mission is to give people the tools that they need to empower themselves to use their energy to efficiently and consciously create the future of their dreams.  We spend enormous amounts of time focusing on and controlling what we put into our bodies and almost no time focusing on what we put into our minds. That must change if we are to expand our consciousness and brain capacity in a way that each one of us can effectively transform our life on a day by day basis from one dominated by fear and anxiety to one overflowing with joy and creation. Right now our mind uses us.  Our programming controls us.  We have been hypnotized into believing that we do have very little control over our reality and our emotional states. That is just not true.  Once we understand how our mind works, we can use it as a tool to experience real freedom by catapulting ourselves into a future reality that is entirely of our own creation. We just need to interact with our mind in a way that channels its immense creative power to move us forward instead of holding us back.  Neurodynamic Breathwork is a very effective tool in this journey.  I call this process Radical Self-Empowerment.”

Educational Background

B.S. Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley

Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California (USC)

Stan Grof Certified Holotropic Breathwork Facilitator, 2009

Founder, Neurodynamic Breathwork, 2017

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