Experience a COMPLIMENTARY 30-DAY BREATHWORK TRIAL with NeuroDynamic Institute and Breathwork Online, presented by Michael Stone, a Renowned International Authority on Breathwork and Brain Rewiring. Co-Creator of Expert Courses and Summits

Unlock Your Path to Transformation with NeuroDynamic Breathwork®

Experience profound relief and transformation in just 30 days with our exclusive trial offer. Join over 200,000 members worldwide in harnessing the power of neuroscience-backed breathwork to unlock inner wisdom, break through limiting patterns, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Don’t miss your chance to claim your complimentary trial subscription available for two days only today!

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Unlock Your Path to Transformation with NeuroDynamic Breathwork®

Transform in 30 days with our exclusive trial.
Join 200,000+ worldwide using neuroscience-backed breathwork.
Claim your complimentary trial, available for two days only!
By submitting this form, I consent to receive offers and related promotional communications from breathworkonline.com. I can withdraw consent at any time. Your information is safe and secure.

Is This 30-day Breathwork Journey For You?

This 30-day journey will help you navigate common challenges such as anxiety, trauma, and depression while fostering a deeper connection to your inner wisdom and intuition. While individual results may vary, many participants have reported significant improvements in these areas.
Moreover, the regular practice of breathwork has been shown to facilitate brain rewiring, strengthening neural pathways associated with positive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
Whether you're seeking to enhance your relationships, find inner peace, or simply explore the power of your breath, this journey offers a unique opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Seeking relief from anxiety, trauma, or depression

Ready to tap into your inner wisdom and intuition

Looking to improve your relationships and foster deeper connections

Longing for a greater sense of peace and clarity in your life

Wish to explore the transformative potential of breathwork

Are committed to personal growth and self-discovery

Your FREE* 30-Day Breathwork Trial Includes:

Enjoy an unlimited subscription to our groundbreaking breathwork platform, offering over 20 live facilitated breathwork sessions per month, breathwork recordings, a support system, and more.

There is no equivalent offer on the market, making this the best way to experience the transformational effects of breathwork through regular practice.

The total monthly value is up to $1,100, all for free.

*With the first 30 days completely free, followed by a monthly fee of just $57, this breaks down to less than $2.5 per session. Cancel at any time with just one click in your personal account—no questions asked.

Up to 21 Live Facilitated NeuroDynamic Breathwork® Sessions

Our signature 60-90-minute Breathwork, including subscriber-only workshops with extended music sets; valued at up to $693.

Weekly Live Breathe&Reset Breathwork Meditation™ Sessions

~30-minute session with a 10-12 minute breathwork journey for a quick nervous system reset; valued at up to $80.

A Recording of Breathe&Reset Breathwork Meditation™ Session

rerecorded monthly for use at your convenience; valued at $100

Monthly Pre-breathwork Yoga and Embodied Movement sessions

Prepare your body for a deeper breathwork journey with guided embodied movement sessions; valued at $50

Monthly Live 'Creative Integration Lab' Sessions

Exclusive for subscribers, with our Expressive Art Therapy Expert, Heidi Denkers; valued at $50

Email Integration Support and More...

whenever needed – valued at $25; and a free private coaching session after 4 sessions if you need one (should you stay with us longer) – valued at $75

How This Free Trial Offer Works

Claim Your trial subscription

Fill in the above form, and you will be redirected to the account creation page.

get the most of your free breathwork SUBSCRIPTION

You will have access to ALL breathwork sessions on our schedule.

This means:

up to 21 NeuroDynamic Breathwork® session per month, including special events and Subscriber-only sessions designed for deeper immersion

and our NEW short BREATHE&RESET Breathwork Meditation™ sessions - both in live & recorded format


This is a no-strings-attached subscription. If you choose to continue after your trial period, you will be automatically charged $57 starting from the second month. If not, you can cancel with one click in your personal account at any time.

We simply want as many people as possible to experience the power of this radically transformative Breathwork Modality!

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Experience the power of Science-Based breathwork

As Featured In:

Experience the power of Science-Based breathwork

As Featured In:

Your Transformation Starts Now...

Don’t miss out on the chance to unlock the life-changing power of breathwork—act now or risk staying stuck in the same patterns and missing out on the transformative journey you deserve.



Most frequent questions about breathwork sessions and trial subscription

Our live, virtual Neurodynamic Breathwork® Online sessions last for approximately 120 minutes, and are hosted using Zoom conferencing software. We start by giving a short introductory talk, followed by a 60-minute breath workshop listening to powerful, evocative music. This deep fast breathing, while being bathed in the sound of carefully chosen music, allows you to quiet the thinking mind and access your amazing inner guiding intelligence. After the session, there will be time for some of the participants to share their transformational breathwork experience with the group.

Our short Breathe&Reset™ Breathwork Meditation Sessions last for about 45 minutes, featuring a brief introductory talk, a 12-15 minute breathing session, and a sharing circle at the end.

To explore the variety of workshops available on our platform, please visit this page >.

Your free trial subscription is valid for 30 days from the day of registration. During this period, you’ll enjoy full access to the platform and all workshops on the schedule. Feel free to sign up for as many as you want. Once the trial subscription ends, you’ll automatically become a paid subscriber, with individual membership priced at $57/month or couples membership at $67/month.

You can cancel your subscription at any time with just one click in your personal account, no questions asked.

Canceling your subscription is an easy 2-minute process. Simply navigate to your personal account by clicking the button in the top right-hand corner of your desktop screen or the “hamburger” menu on your mobile phone. Once there, you’ll find information about your membership level on the main account page, along with an option to cancel your subscription. With just one click and a short survey, your subscription will be canceled hassle-free.

If you are a first time participant, you are required to read a PDF file entitled Preparatory Information For First Time Participants“. 

When the time for the breathwork meditation approaches, you will need to set up your space. You will be able to do the breath workshop either sitting in a comfortable chair or laying down. If you are lying down, please make sure to have enough space around you so that if you move around you will not bang into anything, especially around your head area.

Speakers or headphones will work for your session. You’ll want the music volume to be high enough to make you feel that you are being bathed in the sound but not so loud that it distorts. The better the internet connection, the better the sound quality of the music will be. A hardwired ethernet connection is ideal but a Wi-Fi system with good reception will also work.  Cell phones without Wi-Fi connection will sometimes not work due to poor receptivity. Cell phones with Wi-Fi will work but sound quality without earphones or ear buds is generally unacceptable.

Make sure you will not be disturbed during the breathwork meditation, so turn off your phone and put a “do not disturb” sign on your door if there are other people in your home.

You might want a blindfold or you can just close your eyes if you prefer.  If you continue with this breathwork training, the blindfold I recommend is called a Mindfold Sleep and Relaxation Mask (available on Amazon) but any blindfold will do.

Having Kleenex tissues, a bottle of water, and a cup nearby in case you feel like you have to spit, are also recommended.

It is ideal to do breathwork when your stomach is not too full. It is suggested to not eat anything at least 60 minutes before your session if possible, or, if you do, to just eat something very light.

Finally, although it is not required, you are more than welcome to have a friend in the room to hold space for you. It can be a wonderful connection-deepening shared experience.

To access the First-Time-Breathwork PDF Click Here

Breathwork creates both a physiological and psychological impact on the brain. Physiologically, it causes loss of CO2. which creates lowers blood acidity so your blood becomes more alkaline.

This lower blood acidity results in decreased O2/Blood flow to some parts of the brain including parts of the Frontal Cortex which is a part of the Default Mode Network (DMN). The DMN plays a role in the creation of mental constructs, the most important of which is the Self, or Ego. When activity in the DMN falls off significantly, the ego mind can temporarily vanish.

The DMN also normally exerts inhibitory influence on other parts of the brain including the limbic regions that involve emotion and memory. When the DMN is suppressed, there is more activity in these regions which allows emotions and memories, including childhood traumas, to float from the unconscious to the surface of awareness so they can be worked on, processed and released.

In addition, during Breath workshop, participants are instructed to give themselves permission to release. This has a powerful impact on the psyche and can result in an experience starting for a participant even before the transformational breathing starts.

Breathwork results in certain specific physiological changes in the body and also can result in intense physical and emotional release. Therefore, for safety purposes, we do not allow persons with the following conditions to participate in a breath workshop:

1) Epilepsy

2) Detached Retina

3) Glaucoma

4) Prior diagnosis by a health professional of bipolar disorder or schizophrenia

4) If you have a current diagnosis by a healthcare professional of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), we recommend you check with your healthcare professional before participating

5) Osteoporosis that is serious enough whereby moving around actively could cause potential issues.

6) High Blood Pressure that is not controlled with medication.

7) Pregnancy

8) Cardiovascular disease and/or irregularities including prior heart attack

9) History of aneurysms in immediate family

10) Use of prescription blood thinning medications such as Coumadin

11) Hospitalization for any psychiatric condition or emotional crisis during the past 10 years.

12) Strokes, seizures, TIAs or other brain/neurological condition or disease

13) Any other medical or physical conditions which would impair or affect ability to engage in any activities that involve intense physical and/or emotional release.

Please email us at admin@breathworkonline.com if you are unsure whether one or more of the above apply to you attend one of our breath workshops.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Confidentiality is important in these sessions so that all participants feel safe to share their experiences and be fully self-expressed during their breathing sessions. In order to be allowed to participate in one of our breath workshops, you must agree to not discuss any other participant’s experience or anything that another person shares in a way in which that participant can in any way be identified and also to not audio or video tape any portion of the breathwork session.

Below are our suggestions for supporting your integration process after your Breathwork training session. If, after reading through them, you have any questions, you can email us at: integrationsupport@breathworkonline.com


To learn more about post-Breathwork integration Click Here

© 2024 By NeuroDynamic Institute, Breathwork Online & Holotropic Breathwork LA, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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You have nothing to lose, but so much to gain...Unlock inner peace, healing, and growth today!

Wait! Before You Go...

Don't Miss Out on your chance to transform your life with 30 days of FREE Breathwork!
Limited Time Only: Try live facilitated sessions for a whole month, on us!
You have nothing to lose, but so much to gain...Unlock inner peace, healing, and growth today!

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