Global Healing Weekend
April 27-28

* If you already have an account with us, you will be directed to the Schedule page where you can register for the Global Healing event. If you’re not already logged into your account, you will be prompted to log in before proceeding to the Schedule page.

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Everything is Energy. Everything is Connected.

Throughout human history, many cultures have viewed their relationship to the earth in this way. The idea that the world is a single, interconnected organism in which everyone and everything plays its specific, unique role in the web of life – is at the core of many spiritual traditions.

Ancient civilizations, Taoism, animism, yogic teachings, and many other traditions and religions believe in the Universal Life Force Energy (Spirit, God, Ishvara, Prana, Chi, Pachamama, etc.), the omnipresent informational field, the primary energy that resides in everything, connects everything, and sustains all life.

But the idea of the interconnectedness of man and earth is not just a nice concept, although if we are observant we can see with the naked eye that it manifests in every single aspect of life, matter, and organization. 

United by nature. Guided by science.

A number of scientific studies have now proven that our ability to influence others is not just a coincidence.

From a neuroscience perspective, we are all connected brain to brain and cell to cell.

The magnetic field of the human heart can be measured up to several feet away from the body. The brain waves of one person can synchronise with the heart of another.

All objects in the universe, including the human body, are made of energy. This energy is the basis of all matter and exchanges with everything else. The same energy that makes up a human being also makes up all other human beings. Energy is always in flux and constantly changing.

"There is no real independent self, aloof from other human are actually connected quite literally by your neurons...and there is no real distinctiveness between your consciousness and another person's consciousness."

Neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran

The more complex the ecosystem, the more successfully it can withstand stress.

While we assert our individuality as human beings, we must recognize that we live our lives in relationship to others. When we raise our vibration, the entire global consciousness lifts, and the entire planet becomes healthier.

We are all interwoven and our emotions create a resonance that affects everyone else.

Like a net, in which each knot is connected to others by multiple threads, a more complex web can resist collapse better than a simple, unbranched circle of thread that, if severed anywhere, will collapse as a whole.

JOIN our Global Community of Breathers and our Global Sharing Circle after the Event!

We have been given this amazing gift of consciousness...

And we have the ability to understand our interconnectedness in a way that no other living thing on this planet can.

It is our choice how we use this generous gift.

Let us come together to raise our individual vibration higher than ever before, with the help of a powerful group consciousness - and support the whole Earth in healing.

Our breaths are deeply interconnected. Each exhale is mirrored by the inhale of a plant, and its exhale is mirrored by our inhale. The breath connects us to each other, and it connects us all to the Higher Power, to Nature, and to Existence.


Hundreds of People Breathing Together

Every time we hold this event, large numbers of participants breathe together. That is indescribably powerful.

Participants from over 120 countries report on the Neurodynamic Breathwork™ modality powerful benefits:
Relief from anxiety 89%
Relief from trauma 84%
Greater access to Inner Wisdom 75%
Relief from depression 67%
Increased connection to intuition 61%
Greater self-awareness 59%
Feeling more in their body 58%
Increased ability to relax 58%
Increased connection to source 55%
Improved romantic relationships 52%
Increased trust in self 52%
Increased calm & peace 51%
Release of grief 50%
Being more present in life 47%
Ability to manage stress better 45%
More clarity on their purpose 42%

Hundreds of People Breathing Together

Every time we hold this event, large numbers of participants breathe together. That is indescribably powerful.

Participants from over 120 countries report on the Neurodynamic Breathwork™ modality powerful benefits:
Relief from anxiety 89%
Relief from trauma 84%
Greater access to Inner Wisdom 75%
Relief from depression 67%
⬆️ ♾️ to intuition 61%
⬆️ self-awareness 59%
⬆️ in their body 58%
⬆️ ability to relax 58%
⬆️ ♾️ to source 55%
⬆️ ❤️ relationships 52%
⬆️ trust in self 52%
⬆️ calm & peace 51%
⤵️ of grief 50%
♾️ present in life 47%
⬆️ stress better 45%
⬆️ on their purpose 42%

Our goal at Neurodynamic Breathwork is to uplift humanity through breathwork. We strongly believe in the power of Breathwork and have made it our mission to make this healing, ancient practice accessible to everyone in the world.   In order to do this, we need to raise global awareness of the magic of the breath, and this takes both time and money. If you would like to support us in our mission to transform the planet, then please consider donating to our cause. Every dollar donated brings us one step closer to our vision and we are accepting all denominations with great gratitude.

Every contribution is important, no matter how big or small, each one is noticed and gratefully received.


Help us contribute to the healing of the planet with our transformative, innovative Breathwork modality that you can practice from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world at an affordable price.

We are all in this together. We are all making this world a better place.

Join our GLOBAL HEALING Weekend

To register for your FREE EVENT, please use one of the buttons on this page or register directly on the Schedule Page

Next FREE Global Healing Events :

* If you already have an account with us, you will be directed to the Schedule page where you can register for the Global Healing event. If you’re not already logged into your account, you will be prompted to log in before proceeding to the Schedule page.

(the time in your local time zone will be displayed on the Schedule page).

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