NeuroDynamic Breathwork: Your Key to Deeper Psychedelic Experiences and Inner Healing

Experience Next-Level Transformative Journeys

SPECIAL OFFER: 91%-Discounted NeuroDynamic Breathwork 30-Day Subscription

Your Key to Deeper Psychedelic Experiences and Inner Healing

Experience Next-Level Transformative Journeys for Only $4.95/month

Discover the Limitless Potential of Your Consciousness

NeuroDynamic Breathwork.

Are you looking to take your psychedelic experiences to the next level? Or perhaps you’re interested in exploring the transformative power of breathwork and experiencing a deeper sense of self-awareness and inner peace?

We invite you to join us for the whole month of the NeuroDynamic breathwork subscription valued $1100 for just $4.95 if you sign up today and discover the incredible benefits of this powerful practice.

Regular NeuroDynamic Breathwork practice will help you unlock the full potential of your consciousness and experience a profound sense of calmness, clarity, and connection to your inner self.

With NeuroDynamic breathwork, you can enhance your psychedelic experiences, promote body healing, release emotional baggage, connect with the source, and unlock your inner wisdom – all without the use of any substances.

Welcome to the world of breathwork, where your journey to self-discovery takes a whole new level

Undeniable Power of Breathwork.

If you’re someone who’s looking to enhance your psychedelic experiences, then you’ve come to the right place.

We understand that psychedelics can offer a transformative experience, but there is a limit to what you can experience through them, they can also be overwhelming for some.

Breathwork can help you access altered states of consciousness, just like psychedelics, but without the use of any substances.

It’s a natural, safe, and effective way to explore your mind and tap into the full potential of your consciousness.

Through breathwork, you can experience deep emotional release, spiritual insights, and a sense of oneness with the universe.

It can help you overcome fears, heal emotional wounds, and connect with your true self.

Check out the incredible results our breathers report with regular practice!

NeuroDynamic Breathwork Survey Results confirming its undeniable healing powers

Knowledge is everything

Why & How It Works.

The secret power of Neurodynamic breathwork lies in its ability to strengthen neural pathways to access your innate inner wisdom - your inner guiding intelligence.

Breathwork refers to the deliberate control of breath to access the inner intelligence and guidance that we all possess by quieting the ego mind.

This practice produces physiological changes in the body, specifically the increased rate and depth of breaths leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide levels in the system, creating a more alkaline environment in the blood.

These changes can also affect the brain, leading to increased activity in certain regions and decreased activity in others.

Notably, the frontal cortex, a part of the default mode network that is responsible for the mental constructs of self and ego, experiences reduced activity during breathwork.

This reduction in activity can cause the ego mind to disappear or be deactivated, allowing access to the inner intelligence, guidance, and wisdom that everyone possesses.

This inner knowledge holds answers that we need but is typically obscured by the incessant chatter and energy of the ego mind.


you get With 91% Discounted 30-day Trial Subscription

Your $4.95 30-day TRIAL NeuroDynamic Breathwork Subscription is just one step ahead…

During this discounted trial, you will have access to:

🔥Up to 21 NeuroDynamic Breathwork Sessions – as of 3/1, valued up to $693
🔥4 Breathe&Release Breathwork Meditation Sessions – valued up to $80
🔥An uploaded version of a Breathe&Release Breathwork session for use at your convenience, with a new music set uploaded each month – valued at $100
🔥Pre-breathwork Yoga and Embodied Movement sessions each month – valued at $50
🔥A free private coaching session after 4 sessions if you need one – valued at $75
🔥Email integration support whenever needed – valued at $25
🔥Access to Michael Stone’s webinars on the “Science of Breathwork” and “The Art and Science of Surrender” if you continue with your subscription past the first free month – valued at $60
🔥Discounts on some of our upcoming online courses on Taking Your Breathwork Deeper, Expressive Arts Integration, etc. – valued potentially at hundreds of dollars

The total monthly value is up to $1,100, but we are offering you this first month for only $4.95, a 91% discount of the usual price, and then $57.00/month starting from the second month if you continue.

To Your transformation ⟶

the science behind

Regular Breathwork Practice being
Crucially Important for Optimal Results.

Hebb's Axiom: "Neurons That Fire Together, Wire Together"

A well-established principle in neuroscience claims that when you repeat an experience over and over again, the brain learns to trigger the same neurons each time. This is how neural pathways are created and strengthened, thus rewiring your brain. In breathwork, we quiet the mind and access the part of our psyche that has all of the answers we need and brings up exactly the experience we need to heal, grow and move towards wholeness (we call it our "Inner Guiding Intelligence")

Woman standing in the night under the new moon - freedom, spirituality, liberation

Strengthen Neural Pathways to Inner Guiding Intelligence / Innate Inner Wisdom

Michael Stone, the creator of NeuroDynamic Breathwork hypothesized that regular breathwork thus allows us to strengthen the neural pathway to and more easily access our innate inner wisdom on a more regular basis in our everyday lives. And, when we checked to confirm the validity of this hypothesis, 75% of our regular breathers reported that this was true for them. In addition, 62% reported increased connection to intuition and 55% reported feeling more connected to Source/the Divine.

Break Through Limiting Patterns

Being able to access our Inner Guiding Intelligence/Innate Inner Wisdom more easily in our every day life, we can now more easily break through our cluttered, conditioned minds that otherwise automatically connect to the same old thought patterns and keep us trapped in repetitive emotional dramas and more powerfully become the authors of our lives.⁠ and create the life of our dreams.
Note: Further science-based courses are in development to support this process.

There’s no better time than the present!

No matter what your goal, the answer is here

This video shows the powerful results our regular breathers achieve through the practice of NeuroDynamic Breathwork.

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